Alex using Snapback
Snapback is the ability to force an opponent's character and switch it with the one in reserve. Only four characters are known to have Snapback and those characters are:
Alex - Take your arcade stick/controller pad and charge back, then tap forward+C, hitting the enemy with his elbow -> delay, wait until the elbow flash animation is done -> then do DP+C (Forward -> Down -> Down+Forward Heavy) doing a drop kick animation and kicking out the enemy.
PTX-40A - Take your arcade stick/controller pad and charge back, then tap forward+C, hitting the enemy with a charging elbow, pushing them off screen.
Hakushon Daimao - Take your arcade stick/controller pad and motion HCB+C, his bottle sucks your enemy up, then spits them out of the screen.
Gold Lightan - Take your arcade stick/controller pad and motion HBC+C doing an air dive kick right into your enemy (Note: This has to be done when your enemy is jumping, otherwise, your leg will hit the ground, and you will not get Snapback to work).